grace in every moment

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letting go

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Buy yourself a coconut, adventurous one.

Hold that coconut between two hands and think of all the things you'd like to let go. All your worries and fears.

Infuse the coconut with those thoughts… imagine them all in the centre of the coconut.

Take the coconut outside and smash it against the ground until it explodes (this is my favourite part!).

Lovingly pick up each broken piece reminding yourself how much you love all parts of yourself, even the bits that feel broken. 

Place the collected pieces in the compost or green bin letting all that energy go and trusting the earth to transform it.

How did it feel to purposefully break something?


Ever the curious one, I sit around wondering how your experience of this prompt goes! Won’t you ease my curiousity by sharing that which arises for you in the comments below.