deep listening circle
there is power in feeling heard without response.
what is a deep listening circle?
A deep listening circle is a space to share what’s on your mind without interruption, judgement or advice.
Once you’ve shared, you and the rest of the group engage in an equal amount of time creatively expressing. The creative expression is a way for each member of the circle to presence their own feelings and emotions in the moment. This could be in the form scribbling, journalling, sounding, free movement, or any type of creative expression needed in the moment.
You could think of it like this… instead of commenting directly to the person who just shared, we honour the power of creativity to presence each of our own experiences in relation to what was just shared. We harness creative expression to help us move energy through our bodies and transform it.
This creative expression requires zero artistic talent. If you can string random words together on a page or jump and shake your limbs or hum or laugh or scribble like you’re three you can do this work. Raw expression is the intention here.
group size
We can form a deep listening circle together by booking for one person (you!) or a group of up to six people you know.
All services offered are gifts I have to share in abundance. You choose how to reciprocate the gift.
Book a private deep listening circle
book here whether you are an individual or a group (up to 6 people).
the sessions run approximate 90 minutes.
choose a booking time below based on whether you would like to meet in person at Scribble Studio in Hamilton Ontario or do an online video call.
in person
video call