lead with curiousity


These days between Christmas and New Year's are quiet ones at our house. We watch movies, play video games and lie around lazily in sweats.

It's also a time where I start to think about the year to come, daydreaming about the future while decorating the cover of a fresh notebook. 

Of course resolutions float through my brain, often focused on how I should be doing something differently than I currently do.

Although in the moment these resolutions can seem harmless, it's a punishing practice for me. I'm prone to scrutinizing what I feel I've done wrong in the past and what I can do differently in the future to feel more “right”. To be better.

I'm going to let that practice go for now and try a gentler approach.


This year I'm asking myself, “What do I feel curious about?”

The answer that comes: creating digital art. Specifically I'm interested in learning how to use the Procreate app.

I'm so curious, I've already started poking around in the app with my daughter (we're exploring digital art together, which makes it all that much sweeter).

What do you currently feel curious about?


How might it feel for you to let go of the shoulds of New Year's resolutions and explore your curiousities for some time instead?


Ever the curious one, I sit around wondering how your experience of this prompt goes! Won’t you ease my curiousity by sharing that which arises for you in the comments below.


letting go


being the light