moving things around


I have a friend whose husband moves their furniture around once a quarter. There was a time that I thought, “Wow! That’s a lot of effort!” I get it now though. (Friends teach me so much.) There is something wonderful that happens to a space when you move furniture around. It breathes new life into a space and somehow it sings in a new way.

Moving your whole living room around is a bit too complex for this prompt, instead we’re being encouraged to move one small thing in our home around or clean/tidy a small space. Here are some ideas, choose one:

  • clear everything off your nightside table and put it elsewhere so you have a cleared space to sleep

  • move your couch and vacuum underneath it, wash the floor if it’s hardwood, then put the couch back

  • take all the plates out of the kitchen cupboard, wipe down the shelves and put them back in a way that feels good in this moment

  • weed and sweep a patio area

  • change the positions of photos/knickknacks in one area of your home

  • organize a creative space so everything’s put away nicely and ready for you to come back to it and play


What did you move and how did it feel after you did? Share in the comments below so we can all learn and play together.


barefoot in grass

