unapologetically imperfect… scribbling as quiet rebellion

Video Transcript-ish

In a world obsessed with perfection, where straight lines and flawless curves reign supreme, I see space for quiet rebellion. 

A rebellion fuelled by scribbling colours and shapes that absolutely refuse to conform.

We are surrounded by pristine white pages, waiting to be filled. 

Somehow we’ve decided our creations need to look flawless to be worthy. 

I know scribbling is often seen by others as a childish, a sign of laziness or lack of skill, but I see it as a bold statement that perfection can no longer cage me.

With each stroke, I feel defiance from society’s imposed expectations and norms. 

I reclaim my freedom to express the fullness of my entire being, unapologetically imperfect.

Imagine a world where scribbles are celebrated. 

Where every squiggly line sparks joy and creativity. 

A world where mistakes are cherished as the stepping stones they are.

I’ve been publicly sharing my daily scribbling practice with the intention to inspire you to pick up a pen and scribble without restraint. 

To encourage you to embrace the messiness of your creations and. discover the beauty that lies in your flaws.

You can find a new scribbly inspiration posted everyday on YouTube—there are more than fifty there already.

I’ll also be posting one scribbling practice per week, here on the grace site.. 

YouTube is a go-to resource for me so I also know how quickly it sucks people into the consuming vortex. 

It’s important to me you have the choice between loud and quiet spaces.

If the quiet space is more your thing, you can sign up for weekly letters below so you’ll know when a new scribble practice is posted.

If you have one spare minute today, scribble on a page.

Your scribbles will automatically express your individuality, authenticity, and creativity. 

See you next week! 


scribble with me as the miracle of a sunrise over the forest arises